Lunch, Main, Soups, Vegan, Vegetarian -

Coconut Curry Squash Soup

A simple, nutritious, and delicious soup recipe from Good Food For Good – it will warm you right up!  


- 1 jar Good Food For Good Coconut Curry Sauce

- 3 cup water

- 4 cups cubed butternut squash

- 1.5 tsps salt

Optional Garnish:

- Toasted pumpkin seeds

- Fresh grated ginger

- 1/2 cup cooked red lentils


  1. Add all ingredients in a heavy bottom pot and cook until butternut squash is soft and all ready to be blended.
  2. Blend till smooth.
  3. Garnish with cilantro and some toasted pumpkin seeds.
  4. Pro-tip: Add a tsp of grated ginger for extra kick. Replace butter nut squash with pumpkin or carrots. Add ½ cooked red cup lentils to boost the protein.

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